
Wayfinding Collective

Why is it that wayfinding is often overlooked in design processes despite its tremendous importance for the functionality of place? Together with Michaela Pihl Olsen from Urgent.Agency, Design denmark has started Wayfinding Collective – a network dedicated to highlighting the importance of wayfinding. We aim to create impact through case studies, articles, events and more. If the topic […]

BLOXHUB Science Talks Series – Mohamed Imam

BLOXHUB & UIA World Congress of Architects CPH 2023 invite you to join our newest series of 9 Science Talks in 2023. We’ll delve into how we can reach a future, where we leave no one and nothing behind. In fact, we leave more behind than we take. But how? The event is FREE

BLOXHUB Science Talks Series – Chiara Farné Fratini

BLOXHUB & UIA World Congress of Architects CPH 2023 invite you to join our newest series of 9 Science Talks in 2023. We’ll delve into how we can reach a future, where we leave no one and nothing behind. In fact, we leave more behind than we take. But how? The event is FREE

The Future of Neighbourhood-Making

Open lecture by architect Charles Durrett (The Cohousing Company). Cohousing and thriving neighborhoods can play an important role in building a viable society. We can use them as building blocks to solve many of the critical issues of our time – from global warming to racism and difference. Event is FREE Photo credit: Kathryn McCamant […]

The art of thriving

Boost your Well-being as a designer with this new 3-day course from Royal Danish Academy! Exciting news! The Royal Danish Academy offers a unique course to boost your well-being as a designer. Introducing “The Art of Thriving” – a toolbox that adds well-being to changes, teamwork, and new ideas. Price: 8.500,- (not including VAT).Deadline for sign-up: […]


In the seventh edition of 10 x Tuesday, Stine Kunkel and Heidi Dalmose Barkholt talk about inclusive design and how they use it in practice. Stine Kunkel is a norm-critical designer and co-founder of NORM. NORM is a norm-critical consultancy that, with roots in anthropology and design, helps companies create more diverse and inclusive workplaces. […]

BLOXHUB Science Talks Series – Lone Feifer

BLOXHUB & UIA World Congress of Architects CPH 2023 invite you to join their newest series of 9 Science Talks in 2023. We’ll delve into how we can reach a future where we leave no one and nothing behind. In fact, we leave more behind than we take. But how? The event is FREE

Post Design Tangle Chapter 4: POWER

The fourth chapter, POWER, will take place from 8–9 September 2023 at Designmuseo in central Helsinki, Finland, bringing together design thinkers, makers and doers from all over the world for a last tangle. This is a PAID event


Spend a Saturday in the good company of other graphic artists, graphic designers, animators, and illustrators. Sit back in your seat and receive a day’s worth of inspiration from home and abroad as you are invited into the world of this year’s speakers. Tickets from 1.620,-

Design Matters 2023

Design Matters is a Copenhagen-based team organizing an international conference on digital design – made for designers, by designers. It is a place to meet, share ideas, and discuss experiences. Design Matters involves a knowledgeable community of creative and curious minds who share the same drive and passion for digital design, technology, art, and society. […]