
Design Leadership Programme Denmark - by PARK Academy

Is your organization in need of stronger design leadership? Do you need better tools to steer design in your organization in a direction that is better for your organization, your customers, and the planet?

Join PARK Academy’s Design Leadership program in Copenhagen autumn 2024 – spring 25.
PARK Academy shares practical knowledge, tools, and methods to boost the value of design, with directly noticeable outcomes.

In this extensive and hands-on Design Leadership Program you will get your skills upgraded through relevant and up-to-date cases. Learning through tutors with impressive consulting careers. Become a part of an exclusive alumni of +2.000 design professionals from all over the world.


Helping grow design leadership capability and competency.

In partnership between PARK Academy and Design denmark

In this programme participants who enrol will unlock their design management and leadership capabilities via a bespoke selection foundational, core and specialist design modules.
Covering an advanced structure of content designed to provide a grounded prescriptive, unite people on definitions, bust any myths, while learning to master proprietary tools to manage and lead design. Each module contains fantastic case studies, targeted learning goals and assignments that are directly applicable to daily work.



Programme details

Here you will find a little more in-depth information about the programme.

Who is this for
• Sr Designers, Lead Designers, Design Managers and Design Directors who manage and/or lead design.
• Non design professionals who also need to manage and/or lead design.
• Managers or leaders who wish to learn how manage design.

What you get
The Design Leadership Programme Denmark is challenging! Requires commitment, and is jam packed full of design value creating content to level up participants according to their career or business needs.

• 10 module educations
• 10 individual coaching moments
• 10 module assignments
• 10+ proprietary tools
• 50+ case studies
• Livebook access 365 days a year
• 40 weeks of peer to peer networking
• 40 weeks of peer to peer shared expertise
• Senior tutors with a combined 75 years of experience
• PARK Academy Diploma

Our PARK Academy programmes follow a blended learning approach enabled by Livebook, our digital platform.
Livebook supports programme delivery, acting as a home for programme content, a student workspace and as a future reference library for alumni. All PARK Academy students are provided with a Livebook login prior to the start of their programmes.

This bespoke programme combines the following highly regarded modules:
• Design Management
• Design Leadership Core
• Design Quality
• Design Storytelling
• Design Process
• Design in CX
• Design Strategy
• Design Briefing
• Design Value Specialist
• Managing Service Design

The entire 40-week educational program costs EUR 8.250, including lunch and refreshments during the meeting days, but excluding dinners and travel costs for participants if applicable.

Programme dates

The planned dates for this programme are…

Type of session


Introduction and Kick off

17 September 2024

Education A

18 September 2024

Online coaching


Evaluation A

12 November 2024

Education B

13 November 2024

Online coaching


Evaluation B

14 January 2025

Education C

15 January 2025

Online coaching


Evaluation C

11 March 2025

Education D

12 March 2025

Online coaching


Evaluation D

13 May 2025

Final day

14 May 2025

Programme tutors

Frans Joziasse

Founding Director

As a co-founder of PARK and leader of the organisation over the last 25 years, Frans is proud of the strong vision he has instilled and the inspiring team he has built.

With a firm belief in the power of design, he relishes watching his clients reach their full potential and seeing what impact strong leadership can have both on business and the planet.

Brian Gillespie

Senior Consultant and Tutor

With his extensive experience in strategic design and managing human-centred, digital products and services, Brian’s end-goal is always about the benefits of great design.

He’s collaborated with teams from a diverse range of global organisations, including Audi, Philips, Vanguard, Adidas, Fidelity and JP Morgan Chase. He’s also a coach on our PARK Academy program. Brian holds an MBA in Design Management and serves on the leadership team of the Service Design Network.


Register your interest

The Application Process:
• Apply – fill out the application form
• Meet – a 20-minute call to review your application and identify if we are a good fit.
• Offer – if this is the next right step for you and you are a good fit, we will offer you a place.

Register here.

Read more about PARK Academy here

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