The Association of Design Professionals since 1946

We moved into Designit's office facilities

We’re thrilled that Design denmark’s secretariat has now moved into the office of our valued member, Designit, in Nordvest, Copenhagen. Following our rotating residency concept, we spend a year with different members to deepen our collaboration. Last year, we were hosted by KEA, representing our institutional members, and this year, we’re shifting focus to our agency members with Designit. We’re excited to see how this new residency will provide insights into the needs of our agency members and members in general. 

Event Guide

Joseph Binder Award: Design submission & Award Show

Submission Date: September 2nd, 2024. Are you a graphic designer, illustrator, have an advertising agency or is a student in one of the mentioned fields? Then this is for you!

March 27th – 28th

How to Build Your Own Time Management System

Unlock Peak Productivity: Build Your Own Time Management System Struggling to stay on top of endless tasks and shifting priorities? Research shows that employees spend over half their workweek just

March 31


The DesignMarch festival, a five-day celebration of creativity in Reykjavík, brings together participants and guests through cutting-edge design and innovation. Now in its 17th edition, the festival features its renowned

April 2nd – 6th
Morning till night

Salone del Mobile (Milan Design week)

The world’s largest furniture fair, Salone del Mobile, will host its 63rd edition at Fiera Milano during Milan Design Week 2025. Launched in Milan in 1961 to promote Italian furniture

April 8th – 13th

Milan Design week 2025 (Fuorisalone)

Milan design week 2025, will take place from April 7th to April 13th. Milan Design weeks counts several events happing around Milan during the active days: Fuorisalone, an essential part

April 7th – 13th

Exhibition: HJERTERUM: Det Helende Hospitals Design

HEARTSPACE: The Healing Hospitals Design What does how we design and organise our hospitals mean for the patient? Get a unique insight into the children’s hospital of the future, Mary

January 21st – April 21st


Update from the Copyright Frontier

AI – is it the future of design?

With Artificial Intelligence (AI), technological development has taken a quantum leap. Where does that leave design as a profession, and where does the individual designer fit into this technological evolution?

Designing for the New World

If design is part of the problem, how can design be part of the answer? In her new book Design for the New World. From Human Design to Planet Design, professor Ida Engholm explores the inherent values in our design methodologies and ideas for reclaiming design as a force for good – not only for humanity but the entire planet. Design denmark sat down with her to discuss the future of design.

What we offer

We believe in impact tomorrow inspiration together craft thinking

What the world needs now more than our Danish modesty is our craft, our humanity, and our optimism. 

In a world of uncertainty design must inspire possibility by continuously advancing beyond our craft to create positive impact and add new value, as a mindset of how we as humans engage the world. It points to a better tomorrow shaped by our actions today. 

A future not only imagined, but what we make of it.

Design is possibility in the making.
