Talk – Design education of the future

Date: June 12th
Time: 14.15 - 15.15
Location: The Garden Grønnegaarden, at the Design Museum Bredgade 68, 1260 København, Denmark

Event organized by Lifestyle & Designcluster.

Design education of the future – the radical sustainable restructuring of society calls for strong design skills. We are facing a radical green transformation of society. In an international perspective, Denmark is considered a design nation; there is no Danish business promotion without design also being part of the agenda.

The transition towards a sustainable society calls for strong design competencies, both analytical, methodological, and in terms of crafting. We need designers who can visualize and shape an attractive sustainable future and translate new technologies into everyday human needs.

To maintain Denmark’s position as a design nation in an increasingly knowledge-intensive and high-tech world, it is crucial that we have an internationally competitive graduate education in design. Otherwise, we lose ground, and our design education programs suffer, putting us at risk of losing an important innovative force in the sustainable transformation. 

This event is FREE.

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