
Panel Debate on Sustainable Consumption

Date: August 23th
Time: 16.30 – 17.30
Location: Instituttet, Gasværksvej 60A, Mors, Denmark

Organized by Danish Design Center.

Join the debate on consumption in the green transition at Kulturmødet Mors and gain insights on what you can do to become a more sustainable consumer. Enjoy it all with sustainable taste experiences—and create your own scarf.

How do we move from a throwaway culture to a culture of keeping and reusing? How do crafts and design set the green agenda? And what role will the consumer of the future play? A dedicated panel of experts will delve into these questions during the debate, as Danske Kunsthåndværkere & Designere, Kulturens Analyseinstut, and DDC – Danish Design Center take the stage at Kulturmødet Mors.

This event is FREE.

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