Event organized by Creative Circle.
Welcome to this special edition of Creative Works. If you’ve never heard of Howard Gossage, it’s not so surprising. He’s been described as the forgotten genius of the advertising industry. However, in recent years, many have discovered and been inspired by the groundbreaking work he undertook in the 1950s and 1960s.
Steve Harrison is working on a book about Gossage and in this lecture, presented by Creative Circle, he will introduce the audience to Gossage’s world. As Harrison writes: What Gossage did was reinvent advertising, and pioneer ways of communicating that no one else would be doing for another 40 years. For instance, one of his ideas has informed pretty much every Cannes Lions Grand Prix winner of the past decade.
The Howard Gossage Show offers you a unique preview of the book of that name by Steve Harrison and Dave Dye, which will be published in January. It is based on Steve recent curation of the Howard Gossage archive, which is to be housed at Berkeley University’s Bancroft Library. The book is also enhanced by Dave Dye’s forensic search for previously undiscovered ads by Howard Gossage.
The attendance fee for this event is 100 DKK.