Uncertainty as a Business and Design Tool

Uncertainty as a Business and Design Tool (Copenhagen)

Date: December 6th
Time: 9.00 – 10.00
Location: 1508, Wilders Plads 13A 1403 København, Denmark

In today’s rapidly evolving world, the relevance of future-proofing your business cannot be overstated. But how do you make change an integral part of your strategy?

This talk will delve into the synergies between the tools and methods of strategic foresight and business design: Without foresight, strategy becomes blind to contextual changes, making businesses vulnerable to failure when unexpected shifts occur. Conversely, without a well-defined strategy, foresight can become mere speculation, lacking a clear purpose.

In this Morgenbooster, you can expect to acquire practical tools that will empower you to align user needs with business goals, effectively anticipate future trends, and ultimately design businesses that are both well-prepared and adaptable to change.

This event is FREE.

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